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Audio Studies
by Glenn McWilliams

Glenn McWilliams - TK Torah Keepers Logo

The Path of Pure TORAH:


In this audio teaching, Glenn lays down the foundation by following the path of the Pure Torah, as it flows like a river from the Garden of Eden through the flood, to the tower of Babel and into the lives of the Patriarchs. Then, Glenn takes us to Mount Sinai where YHWH, once again, pours out the Pure Torah to Moses and the children of Israel. Now it is our generation that thirsts for the cool, refreshing, life giving waters of the Pure Torah without the pollution of pagan idolatry or the muddy man-made ma'asim of phariseeism.

Length: 1 hour and 47 minutes

Streaming Audio:

Note: Hover your mouse over the audio strip above and press the "play" button on the left to start the audio stream.


MP3 Audio File: The_path_of_pure_Torah.mp3 (25MB)

Note: To download a file above, right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..."

The Wedding at Sinai - Part 1:


This audio presentation will guide you through the ancient Hebrew wedding process
and then show you how that relates to the wedding that happened at Mount Sinai. Part 1 of 2

Length: 1 hour and 12 minutes

Streaming Audio:

Note: Hover your mouse over the audio strip above and press the "play" button on the left to start the audio stream.


MP3 Audio File: Wedding_at_Sinai_1.mp3 (68MB)

Note: To download a file above, right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..."

The Wedding at Sinai - Part 2:


This audio presentation will guide you through the ancient Hebrew wedding process
and then show you how that relates to the wedding that happened at Mount Sinai. Part 2 of 2

Length: 33 minutes

Streaming Audio:

Note: Hover your mouse over the audio strip above and press the "play" button on the left to start the audio stream.


MP3 Audio File: Wedding_at_Sinai_2.mp3 (31MB)

Note: To download a file above, right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..."

Note: If you have been blessed by the audio teachings above, please help support their ministry.
Contact them through their website at www.tktorahkeepers.com

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