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Arthur Bailey presents:
Part 1 - Acts 15:
"What do we do with those Gentiles?"

In Acts 15 a major challenge confronts the newly formed Messianic Community. Join Arthur Bailey as he journeys inside the first Jerusalem Counsel as the Apostles, Elders and the Ruach Ha Kodesh discuss how to deal with a false teaching that was circulating among the believers and how to incorporate the Gentile converts into the newly formed Messianic Community. As an extension of the Hebrew/Jewish faith, Gentile believers in Yahweh are converting to faith in Yeshua in record numbers. Many traditional Jewish believers in Yeshua struggled with how to go from a total ethnic Jewish religious community to a community that included non Hebrew people who were totally unfamiliar with their rich heritage and traditions that had been formed by the pharisees and handed down by the elders. This teaching will truly deepen, strengthen and enhance your spiritual walk with the Jewish Messiah Yeshua.

Length: 30 minutes

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Windows Media Video File: acts15_1.wmv (186MB)

QuickTime Movie File: acts15_1.mov (186MB)

AVI Movie File: acts15_1.avi (716MB)

Flash Video File: acts15_1.flv (229MB)

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Related Links

Arthur Bailey Ministries: www.arthurbaileyministries.com
Arthur Bailey's website: www.apostlebailey.com

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