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Michael Rood presents:
Part 3 - The Sinai Connection

For seven years, Michael Rood traveled the globe presenting the evidence of the “REAL” Mount Sinai in Arabia. Armed with only a few photographs and short segments of extraordinary video footage, Michael exposed fallacious traditions and shed new light from the Hebrew Scriptures, which detailed Israel’s exodus from Egypt. The true source of Michael’s video evidence remained a secret, even to him, until a former Saudi Aramco oil field engineer and his wife attended the “A Rood Awakening!” seminar. That night, James and Penny Caldwell identified themselves as the clandestine source of Michael’s covert information. Now that they were safe in America, they offered Michael full access to nearly ten years of stockpiled evidence - a treasure beyond belief!

Join Michael Rood as he presents the most complete documentation to date concerning the recent discovery of Mount Sinai, which takes you on a first hand tour of the Mountain of God. You’ll be left with little doubt that the Scriptures, not tradition, lead us to the truth.

Explore the route of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt that leads to the coral encrusted remains of Pharaoh's chariots and army strewn across the floor of the Red Sea. Inspect the petroglyphs of the Egyptian cow and bull gods, which unmistakably identify the altar to the golden calf. View the sacrificial altar near the original Tabernacle site. Walk through the split rock that gushed millions of gallons of water into the thirsty camp of the Israelites. Visit the cave where Elijah stayed during his sojourn at the mountain. Ponder the prophetic ramifications of Zechariah’s Thermonuclear War and the The Two Man-made Mountains of Brass, which details the escalation of the current war in the middle-east. And finally, witness Israel’s permanent title deed to the land promised to Abraham and his descendants.

Length: 1 hour and 24 minutes

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Windows Media Video File: sinai_part3.wmv (775MB)

QuickTime Movie File: sinai_part3.mov (556MB)

AVI Movie File: sinai_part3.avi (514MB)

Flash Video File: sinai_part3.flv (639MB)

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Related Links

Michael Rood's website: www.michaelrood.tv

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