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Michael Rood presents:
The Mystery of Solomon's Laver - Part 4

The Hebrew Scriptures detail the building of a great temple and a giant brass laver under the direction of King Solomon of Israel, the wisest man on Earth. The Brazen Sea rested on the back of twelve brass oxen, facing the cardinal points of the compass and it contained the Waters of Purification. Solomon’s Laver contained not only water, but a prophetic shadow picture and time code for the end of the age - a time in which the last days prophesies of Moses and Ezekiel would be fulfilled.

September 28, 2000 Ariel Sharon ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and read the last days prophecy of Ezekiel. The “Days of Rage” ensued, annulling the “Covenant with Death” and setting the stage for the fulfillment of the Brazen Laver Prophecy. This is Bible Prophecy 301.

Prepare for a Rood Awakening! as Michael Rood takes you on a whirlwind adventure in this fast paced video presentation, “Mystery of Solomon’s Laver and the last days prophesies of Moses and Ezekiel.” This live Seminar is a postlude to Michael’s 13-hour video teaching extravaganza: “The Prophecies in the Spring and Fall Feasts of the LORD” - the 26 episode Bible Prophecy 101 and 201 series.

Length: 28 minutes

(Part 4 of 4)

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Related Links

Michael Rood's website: www.michaelrood.tv

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